Friday, May 28, 2010

Mingo Valley Class 2006

graduating from college makes a person begin to reflect on where they have been and where they are going. as i think back to four years ago, i was sitting in a royal blue cap and gown. a proud graduate of the 2006 class of mingo valley christian school.

i've traveled a long way since then: to india and back. four years living in chicago. to japan and back. earned my bachelors. making plans to move to another country.

so where is everyone else? how have the other proud graduates of my 2006 class fared? here's what i've found out...
10 are married.
4 have at least one child.
11 have acquired at least some higher education.
4 have graduated from college.3 own their own business.
9 are listed as "single" on facebook.
1 is a registered nurse.
1 has joined the military.

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