Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was able to go to the AHR convention at McCormick Place the last two days. I really enjoyed being able to meet customers that I talk to on the phone all the time, and look at a few booths, and just talk about a product. The best part was seeing Martin Luther's principle of the Protestant work ethic lived out. It's not what you do, but how you do it. Such an amazing testimony to see a company that is operated with integrity that benefits its employees and serves as a light.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back at World Relief

Today I went back to World Relief for the first time since Christmas break. It was great to finally round that bend on the brown line to Kimball. For those of you who don't know about World Relief, it is an organization who's mission is to empower the local Church to help the most vulnerable. They partner with local governments, the worldwide church, missions agencies, and businesses to bring peace and justice to the world. World Relief comes alongside refugees, who have fled persecution in their homes, offering support and friendship in the midst of uncertainty. One of ten organizations contracted by the US government to ease refugee transition, World Relief mobilizes local churches to embrace newcomers in their community. To find out more information check out their website: www.wr.org

I teach with another Moody student once a week as part of my major requirements. Most of the students today were new. We talked about the past tense and Obama's election. We played a great game using different words on puzzle pieces. The goal was to make as many sentences as possible as a team. The students loved it so much they wouldn't even take their break!

Please pray for new refugees from Liberia as they adjust to a new life in America.

Please pray that God would continue to use this experience to equip me with the skills to serve Him through TESOL.

Pray for patience as I wait to find out if Japan is where I will be this next summer.

Pray that the Lord will continue to provide for all my needs.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Please pray for me over the next few weeks as I begin the process ofapplying to teaching English in Japan this summer with World Venture.It is part of the requirements of my major at Moody.

PRAY - that the Lord would give me the time to complete theapplication process this week.

PRAY - that the Lord would give confirmation that Japan is the placethat He wants me this summer.

PRAY - that the Lord would bring forward people that would partnerwith me in prayer.

I would love to talk to you in more detail about this opportunity-feel free to call, email or text!

Thanks you so much!