Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank you so much for your prayers these last few weeks as I finishedschool. I am in Tulsa now spending time with my family as we preparefor my brother's wedding on June 6th. I have received confirmationthat I will be placed at Kaminoyama Church in Kaminoyama, Yamagatawith Melissa. We will be teaching preschoolers in the afternoon, aspart of the church's ongoing preschool ministry, and will be teachingoutreach classes in the evening for adults.

Continue to pray for:

Physical and spiritual refreshment for Melissa and I over the next two weeks.

For Park as he spends the next two weeks in Korea making preparationsfor his wedding in August.

For travel June 10th & 11th. Due to the Swine Flu scare, entry intoJapan has become difficult. Pray that I do not come into contact withanyone with the flu or exhibit any flu-like symptoms while traveling.

For Pastor Ito and the Kaminoyama Church as they make preparations forour arrival. Pray that they would come in contact with people that aresearching for truth, and that they would be drawn in by the Englishclasses.

That God would continue to prepare us to reach people with His gospel,along the way, and in Japan.That God would soften the hearts of our Japanese students.

Thank you so much for praying!

Your co-laborer,Anna Martin

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