Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Japan Update!

Thank you to all who continue to faithfully pray for the ministry inJapan this summer. I'm finishing up my last few weeks of classes andhave many, many assignments and tests upcoming!Pray that I would be able to complete them all well.

The next few days are very important! I will be finalizing my summer"contract" with a church in Japan and will then be able to share mylocation for the summer! Pray that all of those details would fallinto place.

PRAISE - That I have 100% of my daily prayer partners and 67% of myfinancial support.

PRAY - for my future students, my hosting church, the pastor andleaders of the church.

Pray for the church's preparations for classes - the churches will beputting out flyers and advertisements in their communities very soon.

Pray for my own preparation, I will not only be teaching English but also will be serving with the churches, so I need to be readyspiritually as well as physically.

Pray for wisdom as I select a ESL curriculum to use for the summer.

Pray that I will be able to handle this differences and will be ableto learn to enjoy the Japanese Culture.

Pray for a love of the people and culture of Japan.

Pray for Leon and Janet, field coordinators, as they are making the needed contacts and preparations for us, as they work with thechurches.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hi Anna,
I just added your blog to my google reader so I can read the updates on your trip this summer. Thank you for including us in this ministry. I know trips like yours can be life-changing and I pray that will be the case for you in Japan. I just filled out the support card and sent in a small check to help with your trip. God bless!