Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Please pray for me over the next few weeks as I begin the process ofapplying to teaching English in Japan this summer with World Venture.It is part of the requirements of my major at Moody.

PRAY - that the Lord would give me the time to complete theapplication process this week.

PRAY - that the Lord would give confirmation that Japan is the placethat He wants me this summer.

PRAY - that the Lord would bring forward people that would partnerwith me in prayer.

I would love to talk to you in more detail about this opportunity-feel free to call, email or text!

Thanks you so much!

1 comment:

Gail Conner said...

Anna, Please fill me in on your purpose in this internship and what you would be doing. Why Japan? What do you see is the great need in this country? What are your dates and your needs. I would think your dad could let the TBC people know what you are up to. The opportunity could at least run through the Sunday School classes as a prayer item. God has big plans for you. You are a diligent servant of His.