Favorite quotes from listening to nine hours of lecture on Luther:"Stop worrying about who is elect--God's decrees are inscrutable--so LIVE!"
"The Gospel is: 'You can't do it. Stop trying. God already did.'"
"There is only one question you have to answer, and you have to believe it every day for the rest of your life: Do you believe the Gospel?"
"An illiterate little Jewish peasant girl, about 13, was visited by an angel and gave birth to God in a spit town in the middle of Israel. Kinda like being somewhere in the middle of Nebraska. He grew up and hung out with a bunch of half-wit fishermen who bailed on him. He was arrested and crucified on top of a trash heap. That's what you believe. Of course people think your nuts."
"Don't lie and say your praying because you love God. Your praying because you want something."
"No use being a Protestant the day you get saved and a Catholic everyday thereafter."
"The just live by faith. God accomplishes His work because of who HE is, not who we are. You are who God says you are."
"We're all screw-ups. He didn't pick us because we're great."
And finally:"Christianity for Luther is getting your brains beat in. Because God loves you and your brains are in your way of you doing what you need to do."